South African History and Executive
In 1993, a group of former Funakoshi (SA) karateka, led by then Shihan Claude Johnson, identified the need to associate with a unique style of karate, steeped in tradition, but not yet established in South Africa. For this reason, Shihan Claude led a delegation that visited the USA to find a relevant organization that would fit these principles and values.
After many meetings, training sessions, and travels, this visit led to the creation of Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan South Africa on 15 January 1994.
Today, Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Karate and Kobudo South Africa has been established as one of the foremost karate styles in South Africa and is represented in a number of regions across the country currently.
Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Karate South Africa practices Kobayashi-Ryu as taught by our late Grandmaster, Shugoro Nakazato, and who’s son, Minoru has since taken over the title. As a national organization, we are affiliated to the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan via Kyoshi Pat Haley

Claude Johnson (President)

Riaan Coetzee (Vice President)

Tom Hayes

Karl von der Marwitz

Steve Johnson

Anton van den Heever

Joep Joubert (Tournament director)

Erica Maritz (Secretary)